Wizard – set up

In my original wireframe/mock-up of my app, I felt that it was appropriate to add a terms and conditions

Screen Shot 2017-04-04 at 02.45.06

This was my rough outline of what content would feature on the page, but due to feedback, I was told there was too much text on the page and that it would be too much for the audience to take in. So I was advised to look at a method called ‘Wizard set-up’

This is a design method that is implemented for the user to be able to digest monotonous content better in subsequent steps.


As you can see, there are only a few short points made and the user is not hit with a barrage of text making it easier to read. This also may be more functional for people with dyslexia.

Wizard Set-Up 1

This is how I applied the wizard set-up into my app. I realised that one simple line would take up little space, so I decided to add extra content to the wizard set-up in a form of practical advice for the user; implementing this has maximised space with no reason not to implement this feature.


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