My app idea is a silent alarm for a smartphone for situations when the user may be in danger. I want many ways a user can access alarms if their first way of accessing it has been exhausted. (A separate passcode to log in to your phone that also sets off the phone alarm or mashing the lock button multiple times.)
A feature will also be added that will allow the user to set a timer if they believe that they are not in immediate danger. They can set the alarm for up to 0-10 minutes and once the timer has run out, a notification will pop up to the user giving them the option to
A. Activate the alarm
B. Cancel the alarm
C. Continue the timer for longer if they believe they are still in danger.
If they do not answer the notification, the alarm will trigger.
When the alarm is triggered, your GPS will be tracked by an operator at the local police department and nearby users of the app will be alerted at the presence of danger. Both audio and video will also be recorded that will be used in evidence if any charges are filed.
I want to develop this product because I believe that it could have the potential to save people from trauma and will provide quick response to people in need. It will also be handy for situations in which there is no surveillance.
However I realise that there are concerns surrounding this app by means of government surveillance. So there will be data encryption that will protect the users data and will only access the GPS, video and audio at the users request. If the person is missing, then an AI will determine via sources such as official police documents whether or not to release the persons last tracked GPS.
Inside the app will also have information pages that offer advice on how to act in certain situations and also raise awareness for local police campaigns.
App will also feature an interactive map that provides statistics on crime and it shows where alarms have been triggered. It will also use other police data from phone calls and other police reports within that can scale back from up to 10 years if the user wishes to see.